The Project for Teacher Training College of Secondary School in Lilongwe
Domasi College of Education which is only secondary teacher training institution in Malawi trains about 400 secondary teachers per year while the University of Malawi and Mzuzu University are producing nearly 500 graduates per year (at that time). However, about 30% of the students are incumbent secondary teachers enrolled for the purpose of upgrading their qualifications, and only about 50% of the students were employed as a teacher since some students did not wish to teach. Furthermore, the rate of decrease in the number of incumbent teachers due to retirement or unemployment continued to exceed the number of new teachers being trained. It is making it extremely difficult to secure the new teachers in need.
Therefore, the government of Malawi planned to construct the Teacher Training College in Lilongwe, which was implemented with Japanese grant aid.
Project Details
Because this project is implemented by a local contractor under the Community Development Assistance Grant, the local construction method was fully adopted, and a variety of buildings, such as classrooms, auditoriums, and residences, were designed by masonry with improved soil blocks.