
The Project for Expanding and Upgrading the Domasi College of Education


In "National Education Sector Plan: NESP", the government of Malawi has identified the following policies as priority, expansion of new training for secondary school teacher, training for existing teachers to improve the quality of teachers and retraining and redeployment of low qualified teachers. It has been working to increase the supply of teachers in the secondary education sector with the strategy of expanding secondary teacher training at the university level. The Domasi College of Education (DCE) which is the only institution specialized in secondary teacher training was scheduled to be upgraded to a four-year program, but the lack of facilities and equipment made it an urgent issue to be addressed. For this reason, the government of Malawi requested Japan to provide grant aid for the expansion and improvement of the necessary facilities and equipment.

Project description

This project aims to upgrade an existing teacher training college into a four-year teacher training university by adding various new facilities to the existing college site. Therefore, a quantitative analysis of the required new components based on a survey of the existing facilities and a harmonious layout plan with the existing facilities were required.

  • LOCATION         Malawi
  • STRUCTURE        Reinforced concrete, 2stories above ground
  • TOTAL FLOOR AREA    approx. 7,800㎡
  • COMPLETION        2023
  • DUTIES           Basic design, Detail design, Supervision