
The Project of the Construction for Teacher Training School of Primary School in Kaya


In Burkina Faso, Education Orientation Law was revised in 2007 and made primary and early secondary education mandatory and free. In order to train teachers for basic education in general, there is an urgent issue to improve facilities, especially in the north-central province where the population is concentrated. Therefore, the construction of a new teacher training school for basic education in Kaya was planned and implemented with Japanese grant aid.

Project description

This project is a construction for teacher training school with dormitory in a vast area of 58 hectares in a remote area about 100 km from the capital city which is Ouagadougou. In design process, we considered the needs of the disability-friendly, cost reduction and the climate of Burkina Faso.

  • LOCATION         Burkina Faso
  • STRUCTURE        Reinforced concrete, 1-2 stories above ground
  • TOTAL FLOOR AREA    13100㎡
  • COMPLETION        2020(suspend)
  • INFO           Basic design, Detail design